The Critical Role Work Environment and Culture Plays in Employee Mental Health
Employee mental health efforts are critical for your organization to attract and retain top talent, as well as to keep employees healthy, engaged, and productive. The stakes couldn’t be higher - 76% of managers say they are worried about the mental health of a person on their team and 98% say that the mental health of their employees can have a negative effect on their bottom line. While mental health was once viewed as a personal issue or something to be supported through company health plans or EAPs, leading organizations today are taking a more holistic, workplace culture-centered approach, examining how various aspects of the work environment can harm—or help—employee well-being. Join EVERFI’s SVP of Workplace Culture, Elizabeth Bille, as she discusses new research and new strategies your organization can take to create an environment that supports employee mental health. Key Takeaways: -Start to identify and address organizational practices, values alignment, and individual behaviors that contribute to a toxic environment -Be able to better coordinate your DEIA and CSR strategies with your mental health work -Know how to help managers to “manage for wellbeing”