Optimize This, Baby! Let's Deep Dive Together Into Blackbaud's Newest Form
Monday, October 23, 2023, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Blackbaud's new Optimized Donation Form will soon be available for RENXT, Altru and BBCRM customers. In this session we'll take a deeper dive into the form, discuss some of the best practices built into the form design and talk about how this form uses data and A/B testing to optimize for larger average gift amounts and a higher conversion rate and provide the best experience to your donors. We'll also hear from an early adopter on how they're using this form within their overall donation strategy!
Location Name
Four Seasons 3 & 4
Breakout Session
Blackbaud Altru, Blackbaud CRM, Blackbaud Luminate Online, Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT