Optimize Digital Media Advertising Using Server-Side Tagging with Luminate Online®️

Tuesday, Sep 24 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM Room 333- 334

In this session you will learn about ways to use new analytics technologies in combination with Luminate Online pages and S-Tags to track data more accurately, to optimize your digital media campaigns, to increase security, and to provide you with better control of your data. The session will cover ways to use Google Tag Manager, Google Server-Side Tag Manager, Google Ads Enhanced Conversion Tracking, Meta Conversion API, and Google Cloud Server. We'll discuss how your organization can collect more detailed conversion data using Javascript and Luminate Online S-Tags, and share a recent success story from K9s for Warriors where these methods were used to optimize their digital media campaigns.

Blackbaud Luminate Online
Marketing & Online Giving
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