Luminary Super Session: CSR + DEI = ROI | How Inclusive Engagement Benefits Every Community (with Lunch)
Equity and empathy are the keys to success in a modern, diverse, and globalized economy. But turning policy into practice isn’t easy, no matter how big the company, nonprofit, or community organization. How can we stay true to our values while recognizing just how quickly public and industry perceptions can change? This talk is designed to help companies, nonprofits, and communities achieve what's best for their people, the planet, and the economy. We will focus on how any team leader can maximize the diversity of their network to drive business, impact the communities where they live, and become inclusion ambassadors for the organization. Learn how to tap the multi-trillion dollar collective power of America’s diverse communities to take your company or organization’s success to new heights.
After the panel session is concluded, please grab your lunch right outside our room and come back for some related table-top discussions to help you network!