Donor Data Platforms - the Next Big Thing in Nonprofit Technology
Data is your nonprofit’s greatest asset and the backbone of your fundraising strategy. But there's a problem: nonprofit data is often siloed and scattered everywhere, preventing fundraisers from truly unlocking value, such as understanding a donor's journey across their organization.
For years, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) have been used in the commercial sector to unify siloed data sources and generate a single view of the customer.
Dataro has created the solution nonprofits need to implement an equivalent “Donor Data Platform” and provide a holistic, 360-degree view of each donor.
Get a demo of Dataro’s purpose-built Donor Data Intelligence Platform and discover why unifying your data is key to growing your nonprofit, getting more accurate donor predictions, and creating truly personalized donor journeys.
You don’t need a new CRM. You need a DDP.