Full Name
Mr Thomas Forgione
Job Title
Senior Product Manager
Speaker Bio

Tom Forgione is a dynamic Senior Product Manager at JustGiving, a global leader in P2P social giving and eCommerce. With a strong emphasis on fintech, Tom leads a diverse portfolio of products, specializing in optimizing eCommerce, payment integrations, and AB testing. Notably, he spearheaded the successful launch and expansion of Giving Checkout, a revolutionary, feeless, and customizable checkout form that transformed the giving experience for millions.

Before joining JustGiving, Tom honed his strategic acumen as a Technology Management Consultant at Accenture for three years. His passion for innovation and transformative growth, combined with data-driven decision-making, continues to shape the future of fintech at JustGiving, inspiring colleagues and industry peers alike. Tom's dedication to empowering others and driving measurable impact underscores his prominent role in the ever-evolving landscape of digital giving and financial technology.

Thomas Forgione