Speaker Resource Center
Congratulations! You have been selected as an approved speaker for this year’s bbcon 2022 Virtual. Thank you for supporting our virtual experience taking place October 17–18 with Blackbaud Product Update Briefings immediately following October 19–20.
Welcome to the Speaker Resource Center. This site includes information and resources designed to help you best prepare an engaging and interactive presentation.
Please read through this information carefully.
Speaker Checklist
We look forward to sharing your session details with current and prospective registrants. Please review the below speaker checklist to ensure we have all the details necessary to begin promoting your session. Primary session leader (Speaker 1) will be responsible for submitting relevant items through the Speaker Resource Center.
- Accept and register for the conference when notified
- Ensure your speaker photo and bio are up to date
- Read and confirm the Speaker Agreement
- Review session details and reach out to conference@blackbaud.com with immediate concerns
- Note that session titles and descriptions are subject to minor changes if necessary
- Internal Blackbaud Speakers can download the Blackbaud PowerPoint template here
- Non-Blackbaud speakers are encouraged to use their organization's PowerPoint templates
- Submit your session presentation and supplemental handout materials by deadlines (Note: This is a task in the Speaker Resource Center).
- Review tips for presenting virtually
- Schedule recording times (Note: This is a task in the Speaker Resource Center)
- Help us promote the conference using the speaker social sharing kit